This project is made to give idea to hospitals and government on how to manage the COVID-19 patients effectively.
This project works on a machine learning model, which is trained on the data which comprises of various symptoms of patients,
their age and other important factors linked with COVID as features and 5 categories in which these patients can be classified as Labels.
My mom is a staff nurse so I have made this data under her guidance, however the hospitals can first collect the data from the real COVID
positive patients and then train the model
Further after training the above model, this model is saved as pickle file. Then this model is loaded in flask which is a web framework, and
it helps to connect our model to our website. The user enters values in the frontend of the website and these values is supplied to our model
which is there in the backend and then it sends the output based on which our output is displayed on the front end.So to summarize the user
answers some questions on the website that based on there answers, the user is classified on one of the 5 categories which are
EMERGENCY , EXTREME , HIGH , LOW , VERY LOW which is the measure of there severity.
Hence the aim of this project is that the hospitals and government opts such a system in order to find the severity of COVID
positive patients and hence to give priority to those who have higher severity and also to manage the patients in a better way so that more
lives can be saved and patients can be given care before it becomes critical and those who’s condition is already critical they can get care on time.